Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ramblings of a tired mind....
I am amazed at the speed of things at this moment. I don't have time to think and to have second thoughts. My prospective supervisor has been very supportive to me all these while. I just sent an email to the manager of the international office requesting for an earlier intake date. With just a phone call to my prospective supervisor, a letter was drafted and immediately emailed to me in the very same morning! This is how things should work and has been working in most of Western countries. If it is the case in Malaysia, they would need to wait for a meeting, for an approval from so many authorities, for a letter.....all the never-ending excuses.
Venting out
I need a break...a much needed break. I thought I would have some after my exam. But no....yesterday was really bad, I am multitasking again.....
I need to............finalize block 2 timetable, organize marks for end of block exam, mark PMP questions, complete 17 credit hours of online generic module, prepare research proposal on FRGS template for CLA, discuss research proposal with my elective research student, prepare for the interview, on calls and clinical work....on top of that the most important is to coach Khadijah for her PKSR 4 next week! I have been neglecting her studies for the past weeks due to my exam....now I only have few days to coach her as I am on call this Saturday, and am going to KL for the interview on Sunday.....this is the price I have to pay for committing to the intention to progress in my career. I really need to ask my hubby to be involved in Khadijah's study. He's supportive in sending her to school and extra classes, but not in coaching her in specific important subjects. Due to my obsessive nature, I need Khadijah to practice and practice in all the practice books I have bought her, but she is so playful and will only do the practices under strict guidance....she is so unlike my youngest sis.....still remember her to be very hardworking even in standard one....so unlike Khadijah.
I need to............finalize block 2 timetable, organize marks for end of block exam, mark PMP questions, complete 17 credit hours of online generic module, prepare research proposal on FRGS template for CLA, discuss research proposal with my elective research student, prepare for the interview, on calls and clinical work....on top of that the most important is to coach Khadijah for her PKSR 4 next week! I have been neglecting her studies for the past weeks due to my exam....now I only have few days to coach her as I am on call this Saturday, and am going to KL for the interview on Sunday.....this is the price I have to pay for committing to the intention to progress in my career. I really need to ask my hubby to be involved in Khadijah's study. He's supportive in sending her to school and extra classes, but not in coaching her in specific important subjects. Due to my obsessive nature, I need Khadijah to practice and practice in all the practice books I have bought her, but she is so playful and will only do the practices under strict guidance....she is so unlike my youngest sis.....still remember her to be very hardworking even in standard one....so unlike Khadijah.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Papers....a very useful software for all the MAC users out there...
Just to note that Papers software is really good. I have tried using it tonight, it's amazingly good. I am currently compiling all the papers for AKI area, my proposed PhD project. Hopefully it would reduces my headache managing all the bibliographies in the future.
And alhamdullillah, my MSI mouse pad is much better...need to get use to it.
And alhamdullillah, my MSI mouse pad is much better...need to get use to it.
Freedom....no not yet
I still remember years ago, as a student whenever we finished our exam, we'll shouted out freedom...yeah a much needed freedom from all the books.....I have just completed my IELTS exam, so can I shout freedom?....no not yet, probably not for a long time. I still have to prepare a research proposal for CLA and complete the online generic module...all these need to be completed before the 8th of November.....Gone are the days when my weekends are free! Apart from the on calls, this is especially true for me for the past 3 and 1/2 years.....
How's my IELTS? I think I'm quite confident enough in the listening and writing parts, insyaAllah. I think all the practices really help. Writing....not sure, I managed to write enough words and with good points for the 2 essays. However since my previous essays were not assessed, I am really not sure how I fare in that band. Speaking? There were lots and lots of questions....it seems like an interrogation rather than communication. The examiner was monotonous, asking all the prepared questions and very schematic. I am not that comfortable with it, however I did talk...a lot. So I need to wait 13 days for the result. However, apparently I do not really need the result for my application. I have already received an offer of place for the PhD program from the University of Otago. They have accepted my English Language Proficiency statement.
So whats next?.....need to go for an interview with the top guns at Gombak next week. They told me verbally my scholarship application from MOHE has been approved. However, there is a small hiccup...they approve the scholarship based on 2009 budget. Since my letter of offer states 2nd January 2010 as the date of intake, they might not approve it. The dateline for the 2009 budget is on the 31st December 2009. To make things worse, scholarship under 2010 budget will only be opened in late December. Taking into account all the process involved, and all the bureaucracy involved, it may only be approved in February onwards. That's already too late, since my supervisors need me to be there in Dec or Jan for me to be involved in the early part of the research. There goes my chance....I just couldn't believe that they could not make an exception. So, my next plan of action is to request an earlier date for the intake from Otago. If this fail, I need to melangkah kaki ke Putrajayalah nampaknya. I have gone this far, I need to fight this lousy system.....
How's my IELTS? I think I'm quite confident enough in the listening and writing parts, insyaAllah. I think all the practices really help. Writing....not sure, I managed to write enough words and with good points for the 2 essays. However since my previous essays were not assessed, I am really not sure how I fare in that band. Speaking? There were lots and lots of questions....it seems like an interrogation rather than communication. The examiner was monotonous, asking all the prepared questions and very schematic. I am not that comfortable with it, however I did talk...a lot. So I need to wait 13 days for the result. However, apparently I do not really need the result for my application. I have already received an offer of place for the PhD program from the University of Otago. They have accepted my English Language Proficiency statement.
So whats next?.....need to go for an interview with the top guns at Gombak next week. They told me verbally my scholarship application from MOHE has been approved. However, there is a small hiccup...they approve the scholarship based on 2009 budget. Since my letter of offer states 2nd January 2010 as the date of intake, they might not approve it. The dateline for the 2009 budget is on the 31st December 2009. To make things worse, scholarship under 2010 budget will only be opened in late December. Taking into account all the process involved, and all the bureaucracy involved, it may only be approved in February onwards. That's already too late, since my supervisors need me to be there in Dec or Jan for me to be involved in the early part of the research. There goes my chance....I just couldn't believe that they could not make an exception. So, my next plan of action is to request an earlier date for the intake from Otago. If this fail, I need to melangkah kaki ke Putrajayalah nampaknya. I have gone this far, I need to fight this lousy system.....
Monday, October 19, 2009
IT Gadget Craze (Version 2).....after 1 year 2 months
Obviously again, I am "stressful". This is very noticeable when I manage to update my blog twice today. Other than putting some photos, I have not updated this blog for ages....did manage to teach Khadijah to update her blog (hubby is now very active in blogging....after Khadijah has her own blog!). Now Khadijah manage to do everything on her own (mind the grammar though...but it is good to encourage her to write in English). Okay back to my "stressful" part...again new IT gadget...he he he.
Looking back this blog, my ASUS is more than one year old....(see entry August 2008). Since I am really impressed with my bro's Hackintosh small MSI Wind....or Mac, I asked him to buy me one and provide his expertise in installing Apple Mac OS and software, especially the Paper and EndNote software. So with RM2,000 he managed to get me a 10 inch MSI wind with both Window 7 OS and Apple MAC OS, and all the required software. And on top of that he also upgrade the RAM to 2GHz, and the hard disk to 500GB (wow!). Not to mention a leather cover from Brando.....I am so happy! Unfortunately there is some problem with the mouse. It seems that the mousepad is very active and has its own mind. This is very noticeable when I try to use it during my tutorial....pening, pening. I hope this problem could be solved.
Papers and End Note are very very useful for academic journal writing, especially in managing bibliography. It will really save us a huge headache, especially in writing up a PhD thesis!. It will also encourage or push me to write up more journals.........malasnya sebelum ni!. I need to familiarize myself with Mac interface, luckily I am a bit familiar with it as HPS and ECS simulator uses Apple interface. My brother gives me an ebook of Apple for dummies as well...so should read it. All these need to be done thoroughly after my IELTS exam and CLA research.
So what happen to my small old ASUS? Initially plan to give it to Khadijah....but unfortunately an accident occur. Hubby accidentally closed the lid with my external hard disk there.....(can't bising2 much since I accidentally put his PSP and handphone in the washing machine months ago!)......so the LCD is broken, need to use the PC's screen to transfer all the updated important data to my hard disk, and then to my Mac....it can still be used, but need an external LCD to view it......pity considering that I just upgraded its RAM few months ago. So how many computers do we have now? Acer desktop (Khadijah's), Dell (Mine as long as I am working with IIUM, Khadijah wants it, will give it to her once she agree to attend the Taekwondo class), ASUS (Mine, need to find an external LCD), ASUS (Hubby's) and HP (shared by hubby and Khadijah). Sign of complacency or extravagance??? or IT gadget craze.......next project: need to find an external LCD for ASUS, so Khadijah (or me) could view and watch Youtube and all the downloaded movies. Options include: LCD screen for computer, cable to existing TV or LCD TV (too expensive....waste of money). Will be looking for the cheapest option first ie cable, when we go to KL this weekend, after my exam, of course
I am obviously obsessive to achieve perfection in every detail. As I mentioned before, I am preparing for my IELTS exam, which is due in a week time. For the last one month I have been obsessing in all IELTS sites available in the internet. I have downloaded and printed 8 IELTS tips and secrets books, and another 8 IELTS test practice books . This is in addition of numerous IELTS sites I have visited and books that were lent to me and the one that I bought. Currently, I am at the end of my tether. I took leave this whole week because I need to complete another 4 practice books this week before my exam this Saturday. If I complete all the practices in the books, I would complete a total of 36 complete tests. Is it enough? I really don't know. I do not enroll in any preparation course since I prefer self study. But the problem of self study is that, there is no one to rate your essays and your speaking. I can rate my listening and reading with the answers provided. I could only compare my essays with sample essays available in the internet and rate myself accordingly. I realize it is not the most effective way, but this is the only choice I have. I will give it a try, if I fail to achieve the required standard, I need to look at another alternatives. Maybe retake the exam with preparation course? Will decide later. Oh exam, it has been more than 3 years when I last took my exam. I hate exams.........
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