OK? Satisfied?.....Worth all the effort? Alhamdulillah..........I can now proceed with our visa application. Hmmmmmmm but I need to brush up my writing skill, especially if I want to write a good PhD thesis. Wonder if I could get a feedback from the examiner.
Now....for the visa application. We need to go to KL this Wednesday for the medical checkup. Apparently we need to go to listed panel doctors for the medical examination, and the one in Kuantan is on leave until next week. So off we go again, to KL. It seems we have been in KL on a weekly basis. Once we are in KL, we also need to go to Wisma Putra to get a letter of good conduct, need to collect an official financial affidavit from IIUM (hope they have prepared it). Later, when we come back to KL again we can pick up the medical certificates from the panel doctor and once ready, couriered everything to Singapore....then wait and see............then BTN, then collapse........... It seems that everything has been running smoothly. It is sign that this is a good path for me, after istikharah prayer before, insyaAllah.