Thursday, May 15, 2008


June will be a busy month for us. We have a family holiday planned at AFamosa Resort for the school holiday, a 4-day course at KLCC in which I will bring my family along and also our kuliyyah's family day at Rompin at the end of the month. Can't wait to bring my daughter to AFamosa though since it has been about a year we have not been away for a holiday. Since, we spent some money on our refurbishment of our house plus my intention to go to hajj this year, we have been saving up by not going for a holiday. The last one was to Pulau Tioman last year. Since it is not possible for us to go to hajj this year, we are spending a little bit more for travelling. Kuantan is a nice place to stay, however can't wait to go to have a break away from Kuantan....InsyaAllah, will post some photos from our trip there.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Khadijah's sport day

Khadijah had her sport day 2 weeks ago. I had to miss it since I was in Langkawi at the time. She enjoyed it tremendously. It seems that she enjoys the school activity as much as going to the school on a daily basis.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's all mothers out there

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Langkawi Trip

Just came back from Langkawi trip for the MSA conference. Has been having body ache since then. Today I feel much better. Lucky to have this labour day off to completely rest. Got the news that I have been promoted to DU52. Not much increase though, however I am fortunate to have been offered this without the need to ask for promotion. Alhamdulillah, there are many blessings that Allah has bestowed on me. I have not been a very good abid lately. Need a lot of muhasabah.....
Pictures from our island hopping trip...serenity