Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Holy Quran

First comes that beautiful Surah
The Opening Chapter of Seven Verses
Rightly called the Essence of the Book
It teaches us the perfect Prayer
For if we can pray aright, it means
That we have some knowledge of God
And His atributes of His relations
To us and His creation, which includes
Ourselves: that we glimpse the source
From which we come, and that final goal
Which is our spiritual destiny
Under God's true judgement: then
We offer ourselves to God and seek His light.

Prayer is the heart of religion and faith
But how shall we pray? What words shall convey
The yearnings of our miserable ignorant hearts
To the Knower of all Is it worthy of Him
Or our spiritual nature to ask
For vanities, or even for such physical needs
As our daily bread? The Inspired
One taught us a prayer that sums up our faith
Our hope, and our aspiration in things that matter
We think in devotion of God's name and His Nature
We praise Him for His creation and His Cherishing care
We call to mind the realities, seen and unseen
We offer Him worship and ask His guidance
And we know the straight from the crooked path
By the light of His grace that illumines the righteous

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Ramadhan kembali lagi. Peluang untuk kembali kejln kemanisan iman kembali lagi. Apakah peluang ini akan digunakan sepenuhnya atau dipersia-siakan seperti tahun2 yg lalu? Bayangkanlah ini adalah Ramadhanmu terakhir!

"Syaitan sbg musuh manusia, tidak suka bila melihat manusia itu tenang maka ia membisikkan kpd manusia, spy tidak puas terhadap apa yg tlh diberikan Allah kpdnya, dan selalu membayangkan kesenangan org lain utk membangkitkan sifat irihati terhadap apa yg bukan bhgiannya"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

IT Gadgets Craze!!

Everytime I am a bit stress out, I will be in a shopping spree mood!!! I think I deserve to pamper guess what, I got myself another IT gadget. I have been eyeing for Fujitsu U1010, however since it operates in Window Vista, which I am not keen to familiarize myself at all...I changed my mind to ASUS EePC. Not that keen on its low internal memory initially. However when I came across this ASUS Eee PC 900H, instantly I fall in love with it & as usual immediately bought it!!! With its 9inches size, I can fit it nicely in my handbag(though I need to buy a larger handbag). So far I am quite happy with it. It has survived being fall from quite a height! It happened accidently during my presentation in the ACLS course. The computer provided by the organizer suddenly failed on me during my presentation, in the process of changing it to this laptop, it accidently fall from the rostrum....infront of everybody!! Ha ha ha, I would have cried if anything happens...but alhamdulillah no damage done!

- Intel Mobile CPU 900MHz
- Intel Mobile Chipset
- 8.9" WSVGA
- 30GB Hard Drive
- Integrated Webcam
- Built-in WiFi
- Lightweight = 0.92kg
- MMC and SDHC Card Reader
- 4-cell Battery
- Microsoft Windows XP Home

Mine is black in colour....I got it for RM 1599..though could get it cheaper at RM 1399 at low yat(but white in colour)...rugilah sikit ye, takpelah ni hal sbb sgtlah tak sabar....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sad thoughts

Am so sad lately. I thank Allah for all He has given me. I have always felt that things do not comes easy for me. I need to work hard and pray hard for them. My life does not seem to be smooth and easy. Maybe this is a minor test to always keep me in the right path. Yes, I think this is one way for me to keep close to Him. Alhamdulillah.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kl again

Went back to KL again, this time for a day trip since did not want to miss Khadijah's concert cum graduation on Sunday. Planned to go to PC fair at KLCC for another look at Fujitsu U1010. Unfortunately our flight was delayed....from 1020am to 1230noon! Mind you, we have to wait 2 hours! Fortunately for us we did not have a connecting flight to catch......Because of that, I need to forget going to PC fair!!! Sob, sob....takde rezeki nak beli lagi...will wait for the PC fair at Kuantan this 15th August...

Khadijah's Concert cum Graduation