Friday, June 5, 2009


I am multitasking now, and my degree of psychological tension has reached its peak.....reaching to a point that I skipped meal. This is a problem with me, I have an OCD trait, everything I do must be perfect to the detail. I need a break....

Tasks that I am involved now:
1. Preparing a research proposal for a proposed PhD project.....hence all the reading of journals (continuous process), writing up a draft of proposal (done and submitted), and now need to think of a new idea in that research to make the PhD unique.....hence more reading and more thinking and more tension....that's why my friend told me that PhD is a permanent head damage. I am not sure if I have the ability to proceed with this, but I will try my best, insyaAllah.
2. Supervising 2 of my elective students for their research in hypothermia. Apparently we collect too much data that can generate many papers...a bit too detail for an I need to chip in a lot for them.
3. Conducting a clinical trial at our centre...screening, consent, calling the medical monitor, administering drug, monitoring patient...but our patient was not doing well at all the AEs and SAEs reporting need to be done...lepas ni cuti, orang lain pulak kena pening kepala enter data on eCRF...lega....
4. Editing an unending saga of a CPR book. Still got lots to is unending
5. Preparing a report on the endowment fund on CPR book. To get money, need to do some work lah....
6. Preparing an oral presentation on HFOV for the Sabah conference this early July
7. Preparing a poster presentation for the same conference.
8. Supervising a master research, tapi ni tak banyak kerja sebab cuma jadi field supervisor je...alhamdulillah
9. Preparing a proposal for endowment fund type B, ni kalau tak jadi buat PhD
10. Preparing and coordinating a timetable for our specialized postings (that means coordinating 5 departments), tapi ni lambat sikit...bulan 8 baru our students start, tapi me being me...already done the initial work after received the appointment letter....
.....and all these on top of clinical work and on calls...luckily takde student sekarang ni, alhamdulillah

My mind now is too active after almost 3 years of rest. Too many proposed projects in mind. I need to stop and take a deep breath and take one step at a time.

I am on call today and on leave tomorrow...nak balik kampung.....hopefully today;s call is okay not like Tuesday's call...ameen