Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Trust in Allah
I joined the weekly class on Tafsir Quran conducted by Sister Salwa since the past 2 weeks. We are into Surah At-Taubah now. Alhamdulillah, I learn so much from this class, there're a lot of reminder for us. One of the reminder that we got is to give 100% effort in what we are doing, and put 100% trust in Allah, how beautiful it is, how peaceful we will be..
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Lupa dan lalai dengan keindahan duniawi. Masa yang begitu berharga di sia-siakan sahaja, nanti kelak akan ditanya untuk apakah masa itu digunakan, untuk apakah kurniaan Illahi ini di bazirkan? Apakah jawapannya? Sedar tapi masih tetap melakukannya, kotorkah hati ini? Ya Allah, ampunkanlah aku, jadikan aku hari ini lebih baik dari semalam, dan hari2 esok lebih baik dari sebelumnya, ameen
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
2nd Spring in Christchurch
MasyaAllah, it is a beautiful spring in Christchurch. Magnolias, daffodils, cherry blossoms sprung everywhere, and a sunny warm weather today makes it even more beautiful.
I am reading another book by Dr Amr Khaled on how to attain makrifatuLlah, it can be achieved by appreciating our surrrounding, Allah's creation...kitabullah almandzur...
Ya Allah, help me to be near to you, help me to love you and your rasul more than anyone else, guide me, Ya Allah....
I am reading another book by Dr Amr Khaled on how to attain makrifatuLlah, it can be achieved by appreciating our surrrounding, Allah's creation...kitabullah almandzur...
Ya Allah, help me to be near to you, help me to love you and your rasul more than anyone else, guide me, Ya Allah....
Friday, September 16, 2011
I have been busy catching up with endless data entering for a study. How much I need to catch up, alhamdulillah hubby is willing to help....MasyaAllah...in between those data entering, I received a piece of a very good news, syukur alhamdulillah one of a major piece of our research paper has been accepted for publication without further revision....Ya Allah, praise be with you.....I am blessed with all the good tidings that you have bestowed upon us. We hope with all this blessing, we will further strive to become a better mu'min and mu'minah, ameen....help us to better ourselves.
MasyaAllah again, the previous competition I entered (although I did not win) end up well. Alhamdulillah I am able to deliver the best that I could, and alhamdulillah again, I received a good review from the judges....I sincerely wanted to share the good news with my colleagues, in the hope it will also become an inspiration to them.....forgive me Ya Allah, if there is a speck of riya' in this, forgive me....Ya Allah.....
Excerpt of video from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCcNTSfBtmg
Monday, September 5, 2011
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