Alhamdulillah, I am relieved now after an evening with my supervisor. I have this thing of inferiority especially when dealing with those at high rank. My primary supervisor is the Head of Department here and also a very distinguished professor in his field. I have little contact with him before coming here. Most of my contact is with my co-supervisor who is also his research manager, and he has been very very helpful to me throughout this period. I think my primary supervisor notices that I am not very comfortable with him (I am dealing with this inferiority complex...). Alhamdulillah today, at a bbq dinner at his house, I finally breaks the ice...frankly I told him that I need some time to adapt from clinical work to research work, and to put in my thinking cap into that area, and that I will work hard and also thanking him for having me as his student and infact telling him that I hope he wouldn't regret having me as his student......and he has been very encouraging and supportive, and his wife is lovely and welcomed us with open arms......and their house is lovely. I know I am rambling, it is now 230am and I can't sleep. ALhamdulillah....all these are only possible with Allah's grace. He had made this journey possible and open this path for me. I am going to put all effort in this, and always remember my 'niat', and stop all the questions of 'what am I doing here?'.......May ALlah bless this journey always, and help us throughout the way in this path, ameen....

Saturday, January 30, 2010
I meant to write something...ages ago. I have a very good intention on writing on tips on IELTS exam, on processes needed to apply for scholarships & available scholarships, on the process of visa application, on tips of preparation before coming here to NZ etc etc....I would really like to give something out as I have gained so much from reading blogs of others. However, I have been very very very busy.....initially before flying because of the need to settle so many things work and home and also all the preparation to come here. And now, with the reading I need to caught up with and all the preparations for our research (due to start in the next of couple of weeks!). I am overwhelmed....I will make some time to write, insyaAllah.