Friday, February 5, 2010
Remembering my "niat"
I have this dizzy spell since the past 1 week. Most probably because of too much everybody loves coffee, I need to break off from coffee. Alhamdulillah my research is progressing well. It is tough as I have to meet lots of people for this training stuff...all the ED and ICU nurses, registrars, and even the top people in ED and ICU...pretty scary, as just yesterday I attended a meeting of senior doctors in ED...however this chance is good for my career. I got the chance to meet the ICU director...and he would help me register with the MCNZ for the intensive care training (part time? do I have time?). All I need to do is to gather all reports on my previous jobs and training from previous supervisors and HODS. The problem is...apart from the expected lenghty process to gather all the necessary whether I am ready to do this? People around me told me that I would miss my clinical experience if I don't do this. However, when I am at ICU this past 1 week, I don't feel that I am missing it. Actually I welcome this new experience of becoming a researcher or "scientist". I have been doing clinical works for the past 11 years! That is not including my medical student days. I have been in ICU and OT for the past 9 years! I think that is an enough time for a change, I need this change (esp with no calls.....). I will still proceed with my application for MCNZ registration, I really need to remember my "niat" is really a blessing for me if I got the chance to do ICU training as well. It's just like killing 2 birds with one stone....i'll be able to get both clinical and research training. I will start writing all the required paperwork, and send them to my previous boss........insyaAllah, if it is for the best, Allah will open this path for me, ameen.