I need a break...a much needed break. I thought I would have some after my exam. But no....yesterday was really bad, I am multitasking again.....
I need to............finalize block 2 timetable, organize marks for end of block exam, mark PMP questions, complete 17 credit hours of online generic module, prepare research proposal on FRGS template for CLA, discuss research proposal with my elective research student, prepare for the interview, on calls and clinical work....on top of that the most important is to coach Khadijah for her PKSR 4 next week! I have been neglecting her studies for the past weeks due to my exam....now I only have few days to coach her as I am on call this Saturday, and am going to KL for the interview on Sunday.....this is the price I have to pay for committing to the intention to progress in my career. I really need to ask my hubby to be involved in Khadijah's study. He's supportive in sending her to school and extra classes, but not in coaching her in specific important subjects. Due to my obsessive nature, I need Khadijah to practice and practice in all the practice books I have bought her, but she is so playful and will only do the practices under strict guidance....she is so unlike my youngest sis.....still remember her to be very hardworking even in standard one....so unlike Khadijah.