The end of Ramadhan is near. People are busy with their Raya preparation. Shopping malls are packed with people. It should be a sad occasion as Ramadhan, the blessed month is leaving us....Have we grabbed this golden opportunity to acquire Allah's blessing??? Or we are so busy with the Raya preparation.......
"Ya Allah, bagiMu segala pujian. Engkau cahaya langit dan bumi, dan segala makhluk di dalamnya, kepadaMu segala pujian, Engkau Tuhan yang menjaga langit dan bumi dan segala makhluk di dalamnya. BagiMu segala pujian. Engkau benar, janjiMu benar, kata-kataMu benar, bertemu denganMu benar, syurga benar, neraka benar, hari kiamat benar,nabi-nabi benar dan Muhammad benar. Ya Allah, kepadaMu aku tunduk, kepadaMu aku menyerah diri, kepadaMu aku beriman, kepadaMu aku serahkan hukuman, maka ampunilah dosaku, apa yang telah aku lakukan yang terdahulu dan yang terkemudian, dan apa yang Engkau kerahui yang paling awal dan yang paling akhir. Tiada Tuhan yang lain melainkan Engkau, dan tiada Tuhan selain Engkau"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Taj Mahal, Agra
Have been a bit unwell since back from Delhi, maybe due the heat, unfreshed air and dehydration during the visit. The visit was really eventful....especially due to the bomb explosion....we were really near the explosion area, breaking our fast at McDonald. Can't imagine otherwise. Secondly the experience of riding the Tuk Tuk on Indian roads...what a nightmare! Finally the chance to visit Taj Mahal, the 37th wonder of the world. Have not been able to post anything due to the unavailability of free internet access eventhough we stayed at a 5 star hotel!
Thinking back...I had been fortunate to have all these experience. All my overseas trip to Philippines, United States and India within these past 2 years happened not due to my effort. People around me do research, write papers etc for presentations at medical conferences. Whereas I had been put in a situation where I could not refuse to go, surely not due to my effort! To date I have not written any paper etc or conduct any research required by the university...I am still in my comfort zone! Nevertheless I value this opportunity since I could experience other culture and see how others live
Friday, September 12, 2008
Arrived in India
We arrived in India at 1130pm Malaysian time...after almost 12 hours of travelling (including 6 hours of waiting).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Still waiting in KLIA
Still waiting in KLIA for the connecting flight to Delhi. Due to the unavailability of afternoon flight from Kuantan to KL, I need to take the morning flight, eventhough the flight to Delhi is at there's 6 hours wasted!!! Luckily the wireless network here is quite good, so I can do some work and some mind rambling blogging entry! There is another 3 hours to go. Try to book a vacation via AirAsia package and do some internet shopping, but decided against it since this wireless connection is unsecured. Will do it later. I am still worried about the study. So many things not settled yet, so many things to sort out....sigh....
What to do, I have some traits of OCD, everything I do must be perfectly in order. If not my mind will keep on worrying. Need to remind myself so many times that everything has been planned by Allah swt....we just need to do our best, insyaAllah...
What to do, I have some traits of OCD, everything I do must be perfectly in order. If not my mind will keep on worrying. Need to remind myself so many times that everything has been planned by Allah swt....we just need to do our best, insyaAllah...
India Trip
I am at KLIA, on the way to New Delhi, India for a meeting. I am half-heartedly going, first due to the fasting month, and secondly the need to involve myself in this research trial. I know that this trial is good for my future as a lecturer in IIUM. But I am sooooo lazy. I have no intention beforehand to burden myself with researches etc. I am content with what I have now. I felt that I have put all my efforts in my studies as an undergraduates, medical officers and postgraduates. I need a fact 2 years of break, really made me lazy.....he he he.
By involving myself in this research, I really need to be evaluating the patients on a daily basis for a month!!! Not mentioning the need to screen patients, taking consent, administer drugs and taking blood...and there is a possibility of me needing to come early in the morning, like 2 to 3 am. Oh God, I am so lazy!!! With my clinical works and on calls 5 to 6 times per month and teaching duties, I find it hard to concentrate on other things....I know I am whining, other peoples made more sacrifices than me, other lectures involve in many researches and subspecialty training. But they have their motivation. As for me, I am content with what I have now. I don't mind being a chronic specialist, a chronic assistant professor...I have been avoiding my boss persuasion to do a subspecialty training so far. But I don't think I can escape anymore since the university's KPI is for each lecturer to have a subspecialty training.
Wake up have rest for quite some time now. You need to progress from where you are!!!! My husband remind me that all this has been ordained by Allah, and we must make the best of it. InsyaAllah...I will try to enjoy this trip first and think about the research when the time comes. InsyaAllah I shall bear it, after all I had bear the hardship of housemanship and junior MOs. Will try to post some pics later!
By involving myself in this research, I really need to be evaluating the patients on a daily basis for a month!!! Not mentioning the need to screen patients, taking consent, administer drugs and taking blood...and there is a possibility of me needing to come early in the morning, like 2 to 3 am. Oh God, I am so lazy!!! With my clinical works and on calls 5 to 6 times per month and teaching duties, I find it hard to concentrate on other things....I know I am whining, other peoples made more sacrifices than me, other lectures involve in many researches and subspecialty training. But they have their motivation. As for me, I am content with what I have now. I don't mind being a chronic specialist, a chronic assistant professor...I have been avoiding my boss persuasion to do a subspecialty training so far. But I don't think I can escape anymore since the university's KPI is for each lecturer to have a subspecialty training.
Wake up have rest for quite some time now. You need to progress from where you are!!!! My husband remind me that all this has been ordained by Allah, and we must make the best of it. InsyaAllah...I will try to enjoy this trip first and think about the research when the time comes. InsyaAllah I shall bear it, after all I had bear the hardship of housemanship and junior MOs. Will try to post some pics later!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Digi, digi, when are you going for 3G???
The internet connection has been reaaaaaaaaaaally slow lately. Has been expecting Digi to provide the 3G connection since early this year. Rumours are not always true...Have to be patience until end of this year. If still no sign, need to change. What to do, everything in Malaysia has to be about cronyism, nepotism etc....So far I am happy with the Digi service....sigh.....
Monday, September 1, 2008
Berbahagialah org yg perkataannya zikir, dan diamnya berfikir, dan pandangannya perhatian. Sesungguhnya org yg sempurna akal ialah yg selalu membaiki dirinya, dan selalu bersiap utk menghadapi hari kemudian sesudah mati
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